Wisdom Teeth.

Dental on Richmond are experts in wisdom tooth extraction procedures. Contact us for emergency wisdom teeth removal in Auckland.

Adults can have up to 32 teeth. The wisdom teeth are the last to come through, right at the back. They usually appear when you are between 17 and 25. If there is not enough room, the wisdom tooth may try to come through, but will get stuck against the tooth in front of it. The wisdom tooth will be at an angle, and will be described by the dentist as ‘impacted’.

Wisdom teeth symptoms

If your wisdom teeth have become impacted or stuck under your gum, there can be further problems that may also be prevented by timely removal of your wisdom teeth. These include:

  • Infection in the gums around the tooth

  • Decay 

  • Damage to the neighbouring teeth

  • A cyst 

When you visit us, we will assess your wisdom teeth and the options including removing them.

Is wisdom tooth removal painful?

Wisdom teeth can often be removed with a simple local anaesthetic. We also offer different sedation options to help you feel more relaxed during the surgery. If the extraction is assessed to be more complex, general anaesthetic may be required then this will be done by a specialist at a hospital.

Wisdom teeth removal cost

This can vary depending on the complexity. We will assess your wisdom teeth and give you an estimate for the cost of removal during the consultation appointment.

After wisdom teeth removal care

Following the procedure, you may experience some discomfort and swelling. Pain medication will be prescribed to help you to manage any discomfort. Swelling may make it difficult for you to open your mouth wide. It will be recommended that you eat softer foods. Allowing for rest after the surgery.